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Restoring Accounts
(4 Comments) - Posted By: chicken- on 09/01/2014 10:02AM EDT
I've seen a lot of people signing up additional accounts lately, basically people with old accounts that forgot the password and don't have access to their old email addresses.

Instead of making new accounts please contact me on IRC and I'll help you restore your old accounts. http://webchat.globalgamers.net/?channels=prounreal
#1 - Restoring Accounts - Posted By: SHACKLE on 09/01/2014 5:31PM EDT
#2 - Restoring Accounts - Posted By: BryaNDigM- on 09/01/2014 5:42PM EDT
Shackle 2 accounts= bant. Later dawg
#3 - Restoring Accounts - Posted By: chicken- on 09/01/2014 6:11PM EDT
I disabled his other account noob.
#4 - Restoring Accounts - Posted By: BryaNDigM- on 09/01/2014 6:52PM EDT
Wanna troubles? Lets do a fist fight.
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