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Upcoming Duel Tournament
(6 Comments) - Posted By: sLY1838 on 10/05/2014 2:46AM EDT
OwnedWell has an invite only duel tournament on the horizon. Head over to their site to view early discussions about the event. www.ownedwell.com

#1 - Upcoming Duel Tournament - Posted By: wink on 10/05/2014 9:12AM EDT
Idk if this has been posted but heres a nice exhibition match between sly adn dasnaksta.

#2 - Upcoming Duel Tournament - Posted By: m3ss on 10/06/2014 8:38AM EDT
Originally posted by wink
Idk if this has been posted but heres a nice exhibition match between sly adn dasnaksta.


Here's the YouTube VOD if anyone has issues watching it on Twitch.

#3 - Upcoming Duel Tournament - Posted By: Numb-Fingers on 10/06/2014 10:24PM EDT
dude i must have watched this 10 times. It's so epic. Whose voice is that?
#4 - Upcoming Duel Tournament - Posted By: beck on 10/07/2014 9:39AM EDT
Sounds like the love child of Sean Connery and Morgan Freeman.
#5 - Upcoming Duel Tournament - Posted By: SHACKLE on 10/07/2014 11:34AM EDT
This was so powerful I started crying.

#6 - Upcoming Duel Tournament - Posted By: sLY1838 on 04/22/2015 2:40PM EDT
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