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Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF
(12 Comments) - Posted By: sLY1838 on 11/08/2014 5:42PM EST
As UT4 CTF continues development, the competitive CTF community anxiously awaits to see if Epic will hit the sweet spot this time. Here's a video showing some of the various gameplay mechanics that need to be implemented into UT4 CTF.

#1 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: AudioMix on 11/09/2014 12:31PM EST
Good fucking luck, didn't that nerd say he hates the 99 TL? That guy, who shit in his cheerios? But yeah they'd be smart to add all those regular 99CTF tricks in addition to whatever they plan on giving us. It makes UTCTF the most skill based competitive team gameplay in FPSs.

Ever watch q3a ctf? FUCKIN DUMB breh. Uninstall breh. Kill urself.
#2 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: DagnyTaggart on 11/11/2014 6:02AM EST
Let's just hope that the goo-link gun web doesn't end up in UT4, at least not as a default option. See the first few mins of the latest Beyond Unreal podcast if you can tolerate it:

#3 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: Jimmy on 11/12/2014 3:25PM EST
Window flag drops are just a result of poor map design. Just make it a door way if you are just gonna use it as one.
#4 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: sLY1838 on 11/12/2014 8:40PM EST
Not true at all Jimmy. There have been several UT99 maps where a window is purposely placed instead of a doorway. The reason is because it is designed to slow the flag carrier down while also making them more vulnerable. Not only does it slow you down, but you have to switch weapons to pull the drop off. This makes you vulnerable.

Secondly, there are plenty of other windows that become accessible routes that would make no sense to have as a doorway (Orbital window in mid, terra window in mid, mcswartzly window in mid).
#5 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: sLY1838 on 11/12/2014 9:07PM EST
Originally posted by DagnyTaggart
Let's just hope that the goo-link gun web doesn't end up in UT4, at least not as a default option. See the first few mins of the latest Beyond Unreal podcast if you can tolerate it:



Going forward would you mind not linking to anything Beyondunreal related? They have a reputation of being extremely newbish.


#6 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: Sonic|^ on 11/17/2014 2:50PM EST
That was beautiful. I'm sure if you post this over at epic, this will be the first time 90% of them are seeing this stuff. I'm disappointed you didn't go with the superman for combo launching.
#7 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: xios on 11/17/2014 3:01PM EST
You're going to have to try a lot harder if you want to convince Epic these mechanics need to be in the next UT. Sure a video is nice to show how each one is done so people understand it, but you need to articulate and breakdown why it deserves to be in the game again and what makes it a well balanced utility that doesn't break maps nor promote certain styles of play. Simply stating "it's in UT99 and my game is the best" won't cut it.

Carry on. Cool
#8 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: sLY1838 on 11/18/2014 12:38AM EST
Originally posted by xios
You're going to have to try a lot harder if you want to convince Epic these mechanics need to be in the next UT. Sure a video is nice to show how each one is done so people understand it, but you need to articulate and breakdown why it deserves to be in the game again and what makes it a well balanced utility that doesn't break maps nor promote certain styles of play. Simply stating "it's in UT99 and my game is the best" won't cut it.

Carry on. Cool

This video was made for the players who attended the second event. It was put together as a foundation for talking points. The Epic developers (inlcuding Steve Polge) watched the video and were able to have conversations about the game play mechanics. How well of a job the attendees did at articulating these mechanics is unknown.
#9 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: chicken- on 11/18/2014 6:04PM EST
Some people at Epic had no idea how the shield gun was used in 2k4 CTF until they saw a video of lino or somebody doing a crazy fast shield jump run on Grendel. Some of them have no idea how their games were actually played so this is very helpful to show what is actually involved in this rather than them just assuming "team boosting" is flying across the entire map.
#10 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: BizMonkey on 11/20/2014 5:21PM EST
You could put that Sarah McLachlan commercial on with Explosions in the Sky in the background and I'd love that video.

Excellent video and good demonstrations of all of those mechanics.
#11 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: Guybrush on 02/13/2015 9:57AM EST
That was beautiful. I'm sure if you post this over at epic, this will be the first time 90% of them are seeing this stuff. I'm disappointed you didn't go with the superman for combo launching.

It is the Clark Kent and it is trademarked property of BrettBrush productions. Smile
#12 - Gameplay Mechanics That Need to be in UT4 CTF - Posted By: Sonic|^ on 02/14/2015 11:14AM EST
Originally posted by Guybrush
That was beautiful. I'm sure if you post this over at epic, this will be the first time 90% of them are seeing this stuff. I'm disappointed you didn't go with the superman for combo launching.

It is the Clark Kent and it is trademarked property of BrettBrush productions. Smile

I stand corrected.
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