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Major League Unreal Tournament
(21 Comments) - Posted By: sLY1838 on 07/17/2015 12:36AM EDT
Servers go online for pugs starting July 20th, 2015.


Announcements for next MLCTF tournament will come in due time.

#1 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: Sonic|^ on 07/17/2015 4:16PM EDT
Stop, my penis can only get so erect.
#2 - Re: Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: Psycho on 07/17/2015 4:17PM EDT
Originally posted by sLY1838


Servers go online for pugs starting July 20th, 2015.

Announcements for next MLCTF tournament will come in due time.


Wow.. that actually made me want to play!
#3 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: rootsoft on 07/17/2015 7:47PM EDT
#4 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: |Di|sorn on 07/18/2015 1:09PM EDT
#5 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: ShatteredX on 07/18/2015 3:39PM EDT
That was totally sweet.
#6 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: Nino` on 07/19/2015 6:40PM EDT
It's gonna be even better if the fake Vapor comes back and tries to tell everyone he's the real Vapor this time.
#7 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: sLY1838 on 07/20/2015 12:53AM EDT
Originally posted by Nino`
It's gonna be even better if the fake Vapor comes back and tries to tell everyone he's the real Vapor this time.

Fake Vapor vs. fake relic showdown.

Also, esso makes a grand return revealing that he backed up all the twitch TV footage before deleting the account. (Props to djoh for the awesome management of that account). Rolling Eyes
#8 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: DSK on 07/20/2015 3:09PM EDT
Enjoyed the vid, wasn't as good as the other one though, but it still made my heart flutter. Good job.
#9 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: linoleum on 07/20/2015 3:44PM EDT
#10 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: |Ðarth| on 07/20/2015 3:54PM EDT
Nice hype vid! Did its job in making me want to play again.
#11 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: BizMonkey on 07/20/2015 5:32PM EDT
Originally posted by |Ðarth|
Nice hype vid! Did its job in making me want to play again.
#12 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: sLY1838 on 07/20/2015 6:15PM EDT

Help registering accounts/installing game is available.

You can chat through a web client here (mIRC not required): http://webchat.globalgamers.net/?channels=globalgamers
#13 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: kid sins on 07/21/2015 1:20PM EDT
There are a few decent American players from combogib that we could pull for pugs maybe. I've seen Toast and such around combogib.

#14 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: sLY1838 on 07/21/2015 9:07PM EDT
Thanks to all who made it to the MLUT debut pug night. The pugs were a blast and I look forward to playing more throughout the week.

Our second server has been setup and there will likely be more servers setup in the near future. We will most likely be changing the server location of "Zack Jones University" due to performance issues.

For those who are interested in pugging: irc.utchat.com - #MLUT

We'll get you setup and configured in no time.
#15 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: ·ß·pr0wler on 07/23/2015 8:22PM EDT
Sounds good, I'm probably more than washed up at this point but I'll stop by for a pug/MLUT when I get a chance.
#16 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: buddy on 07/24/2015 1:06AM EDT
sly and kdsns please come to quakecon and hang out with us ok theres like 20 of us this year
#17 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: sLY1838 on 07/25/2015 11:18AM EDT
Less than a week in and we are averaging 3 pugs a night.
#18 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: Numb-Fingers on 07/26/2015 7:23AM EDT
Sly I may disagree with most of the things you say... but man do you have a talent with making hype videos. God job man!
#19 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: sLY1838 on 07/27/2015 4:25PM EDT
Server side demos enabled on MLUT servers. Message me pug time/date and clock time of your amazing play to be featured in the next MLUT video.
#20 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: pfcgrinner on 07/29/2015 7:41PM EDT
I got goosebumps and I haven't played competitive UT since...2002?
#21 - Major League Unreal Tournament - Posted By: kid sins on 08/03/2015 6:20PM EDT
Originally posted by buddy
sly and kdsns please come to quakecon and hang out with us ok theres like 20 of us this year

Whoops, I just saw this. Shocked
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