UT Capture the Flag IV
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-vs- No Tag
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MarsFiRE @ Thursday, August 5th (9pm EST)
All times in EST.
  Match Recap

Psycho @ Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:24 am
Once again this is to the best of my knowledge, I didn't rewatch the matches as that would take a while and I can't watch you all at the same time. :)


Mavz, Trip - D | hubbs - mid | ale, weegie - mid/O
pist, chicken - D | spoooooon! - mid | Kev - mid/O | wen - O

I'll start by saying that element was very coordinated in their runs, and that is probably what won them this match. When they made offensive grabs hubbs would come in and give some good cover along with ale/weegie whoever wasn't holding the flag. It looks as though they have been practicing together for a quite some time, but I do not think they have scrimmed very much. On the other hand, wen and kev looked like they were having troubles, not in the comm's department but maybe on their approach to mavz and trip. Wen was trying to outfrag trip and mavz when they were together, which is not the smartest idea. His best idea would be to grab the flag and get out as quick as possible as most of the time hubbs was busy covering the offense or fighting spoooon in mid.

On the defensive side, trip and mavz played really well as they would both leave their TL on the ground somewhere out of sight and run around their base until wen or kev came in. Chicken and pist were in the right places also, produced well together, but if they got to mid at all it seemed like element pretty much capped. (Although it is hard to hit ale with that damn ping.) Chicken and pist probably also had a harder time because element kept bringing in their people and constructing some heavy, well-supported offense.

Trip sniping the EFC.

Pist lacing combos on the tops of element's heads.

In the match, Wen usually got the boots just in time, which is good because that actually helped his defense because with out the boots element didn't make as many runs without them. He usually only picked up powerups if they appeared while he was waiting on boots or before he was about to make a run. I think element got most of the belts though. If Element didn't get shut down in their own base, No Tag saved themselves a lot with really close flag saves that were just amazing. Ale was the first to cap for element it was a great run supported by hubbs and weegie. (and maybe a little PL) Soon after Ale comes out with another run with support, but this time dies and is quickly retrieved by weegie who seemed to be ready for him to die and caps it to get 15 points and cap #2. Another run by the element crew which could have been a cap was Weegie in their spoke room going the long way with his two support killing the people on the side of the spoke room, but he got shut down towards the entrance to mid.

Mavz, flipping sniper ninja!

Hubbs lands a nice moving combo!

Element wins 2-0

MVP: hubbs
Props to: mavz and kev and chicken


Mavz, Trip - D | hubbs, ale, weegie - O
pist, chicken - D | spoooooon!, kev, wen - O

Both sides played very well defense and some interesting O, in the end I believed the combo of weegie ale and hubbs were more put together in their runs. Kev was doing well in covering spoooon and wen, but element usually dropped one or two of their offense back to D when they grabbed.

Kev hiding with the flag, Element... confused.

Both teams started off with 3 offense which is very different than the normal style of coret, which actually made it more interesting. Through the whole map, this really could have gone to either team. The first cap was a nice relay by team element. Weegie gets out of the base with cover from H & A, but only with 1 health near the amp! Oh no what is a poor little weegie to do? The smartest thing to do. Drop it to hubbs who is right behind you and then cover him. Hubbs gets surrounded and drops down to the mini and dies, but you guessed it, weegie is there to pick it up and makes it into his base low and was in the clear. Next to cap is the amazin azn, Wen, who gets out of his base virtually untouched with cover from kev. When he got to mid no one was there. Knowing this, wen went through as quickly as possible to cap. Nothing much happened until 7-8 minutes later, besides some great flag runs by spoooon! only to get stopped close to his base. Three-fourths into the match both teams make it out of their base and into their own bases for a good old-fashioned flag stand-off. This lasted a good minute or so. The stand-off was ended brutally with lucky?, skillful? telefrags by element. Hubbs was protected by his cover with a few telefrags from Weegie that probably upset No Tag, and to cap it off Mavz telefragged poor little Spoooon!! who had the flag in his base and returned it. So Hubbs gets cap #2 for element. After that, chicken started playing O, leaving pist to play solo D. On the other side, hubbs dropped back to D with mavz and trip. Both teams kept trying to cap but both didn't get very far.

Hubbs, flipping flak ninja... Nasty.

Element wins 2-1

MVP: Weegie
Props to: Spooon!!! pist and Trip

Moderated By: MLUT

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