MLUT2k4 Capture the Flag I
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Team Venture Bros -vs- DOS
[6]  60%60%60%60%40%40%40%40%  [4]
Father @ Wednesday, September 22nd @ 9PM EST
All times in EST.
  Match Recap

Father @ Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:05 pm
Duelingkeeps :: Lineups!
Offense: Terror, Zax
Defense: Method
Middle: Enemy, Mace
Offense: Blimpo, Candy
Defense: Smooth
Middle: Loteck, Navi

This map was overall controlled by DOS, they really had their plan together and was able to secure the middle at the important times - even though this was 6-1 win by DOS, which in most people's book isn't much of a 'close good game' (more of a moonwalk in the park), but there are some noteworthy moments.

Right off the bat less than 4 minutes in, Terr0r manages to walk it out but is wasted in middle; zax manages to pick it and bring it into the DOS base, which following the trend, dies , and the flag is once again picked up, but by none other than Method, who caps it.

Second cap was about the same deal, Terror was able to get it to middle but again, was killed. Method picks it up, and brought it home for another cap. After this it was just cap, after cap, after cap for DOS.

A few things to note here, after the third cap you could see a noticeable panic and disorganization from VB. First thing I noticed was that Smooth in base alone wasn’t doing the trick, this could be perhaps due to the middle players not fragging the DOS players enough, but none the less it was very easy for Terr0r and zax to get the flag to middle. VB was able to get the flag to middle multiple times, but just wasn’t able to kill off the DOS trailers – some very ‘coulda shoulda’ caps that never happened due to lack of teamwork, or just bad timing on VB’s part.

I really have to commend the DOS Offense; Terr0r and zax did a terrific job at coordinating runs and backing each other up, without them doing their thang I’m sure the scores would have been much different.

Funny thing is, somehow Blimpo managed to make a run were overall, he had no resistance – seemed like everyone on the DOS team was either AFK, or preoccupied. At least this wasn’t a shutout, and I’ll leave it at that.

MVP: Method – Method did a ridiculous job on Defense, he really stepped up and was able to hold off Blimpo and Candy on his own. Great D, great returns, all around great player.

Terra :: Lineups!
Offense: Terror, Method
Defense: osk, zax
Middle: Mace
Offense: Blimpo, Reboot
Defense: Candy, Navi
Middle: Smooth
Offense: Blimpo, Navi
Defense: Candyman, Reboot
Middle: Smooth

This map usually makes for close games, and thankfully with this match it was no exception. Don’t let the 3-1 score mislead you; this was a very close game with some terrible mistakes made by DOS. VB really pulled it together for this map; let's begin.

A few minutes in VB makes a great run and gets it into their base, but Method manages to get the VB flag and hides under the base (SNEAKY). Now, for some reason NO ONE LOOKED THERE – apparently there was a miscommunication *or* an assumption, either way DOS scrambles and manages to get their flag returned, Method finishes his tea under VB’s base, and strolls across the map to caps. 1-0 DOS.

Now we move into DOS’s worst nightmare: standoffs. Method is able to get the VB flag back towards his base, somewhere along the trip he is killed, but flag is picked up by osk. Meanwhile, Blimpo walks the DOS flag to his base. Now, here’s where the problems start. Osk has the flag and seems to be running away from his backup, for a while he is alone (and quite able to hold it on his own) but, in the end is over powered and gets killed. Blimpo caps the flag, leaving the game at a tie.

For a little while both teams tightened up, it’s funny how scared people get – sometimes each team had 4-5 people on the EFC while he was still in base; talk about scurrrrrred. Navi did make a run that probably made DOS soil their pants a little; Navi takes the flag, and is met with great backup – makes it to middle with resistance, passes the middle point, is in his front door.. BAM! Killed and returned by osk. Close call, I think it took a second for VB to understand what happened, they just stood there looking around like lost puppies (well, I thought it funny :D ).

Last standoff, for all the goods, was with method holding the VB flag, and Blimpo holding the DOS flag. Once again, Method ran away from his back up, ended up alone and was killed by Candyman. I really couldn’t believe that DOS didn’t learn from their last standoff-loss, but I digress.

Towards the very end Blimpo squeezes in another cap to make it 3-1, felt like DOS’s self esteem was shot; Blimpo was able to get across WAY too easily.

This was a great, great map in which both teams executed great control – VB however, had the upper hand and was able to really hold on to that flag during those standoffs, VB’s backup was stellar to say the least, and it won them the game.

MVP: Blimpo – Without this man’s offense and thought out offensive runs, I think VB would have had a much harder time beating DOS on this map – him being complimented by great backup didn’t hurt either ;). It’s few and far between when you see a great runner, actually using his brain to deceit the opposing team (or maybe he had a really good day :D)

Good luck to both teams for next round, great games!
Moderated By: MLUT

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