UT Capture the Flag III
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Here To Beat Here To Beat Durron -vs-
The Main Event
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February 29th, 2004 @ 09:00 PM EST
2CTF-McSwartzly (McSwartzly Base)3
0CTF-Glacier (Arctic Glacier)1
All times in EST.
  Match Recap

Psycho @ Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:28 pm
Here to Beat Here to Beat Durron vs. The Main Event


htbhtbd:: TRIp and Nikon O, Nanm Middle, Fuze Ramp D, Guybrush Flag D
Main Event:: Durron Flag D, Vinas/Prodani mid, Impulse O ramp, and Thriller O

This was probably one of the most exciting, spammy, high scoring, intense maps I've ever witnessed. It started off fast, with nikon, on his first grab, ball spamming his way to middle, where he died right in front of his bunker. TRIp quickly rushed over and picked it up. He dropped it into his base, but as soon as he dropped it, he was killed by a well placed combo via durron. Luckily for htbhtbd, nikon respawned and quickly got down to his bunker, where he picked up the dropped flag and ran it up to cap it, with nice sealing by Guybrush and company, to make the score 1-0 htbhtbd. It stayed 1-0 for about 5 mins, as both the teams kept making grabs, but didn't really get anywhere. Then, TRIp made a grab in an empty flag room, and proceded down the ramp into middle. An attempt to shock push turned bad, as nikon shot TRIp down onto the shock, where he was combo'd before he could piston up. Nikon made up for his mistake by grabbing the flag and dodging into his water entrance. With some nice cover by TRIp and Nanm, and, again, nice sealing by Guybrush, nikon made it safely up his water entrance into an emtpy flag room for the cap, to make it a 2-0 htbhtbd lead. At this point, it was looking grim for The Main Event. The only one killing anything was durron, and he couldn't handle it all by himself. Here is where the key to the map happened - The Main Event made the bold move of putting durron on O instead of flag d, and sticking Thriller on flag D. They also moved Impulse back to ramp d. This happened to be the saving grace for The Main Event. With about 6 mins remaining, Impulse made a grab with the belt, and made it out to middle with some nice cover. He died infront of his bunker, but it was picked up by Prodani12. Prodani got shock boosted by the other team to his ramp, where he rocketed an oncoming htbhtbd player and proceded up the ramp with low health. He got into his flag room where he died from some well spammed rockets, but it was picked up by Vinas who ran it onto his flag for the cap. About a minute later, Prodani12 grabs the flag and drops it out of htbhtbd's base. The middle was empty and he swam down to the keg room. He was low on health, so he passed it to durron. Durron took the flag, ran out of the keg room and hopped into his water entrance. There he was covered by Prodani and Vinas, as he swam up his water entrance. TRIp made a grab, trying to save the cap, and escaped Main Event's base, into middle. He dropped it into his base and got into a shock fight with Prodani, which usually isn't good. TRIp made a valiant effort and killed Prodani, as Prodani killed him, but there were no htbhtbd to be seen, and impulse made the return. There was chaos back in the Main Event's flag room. The flag was passed from person to person as each of them died and they were desperately running around trying to get this thing tied up. Vinas ended up with the flag, and ran onto his flag stand when he saw that TRIp had dropped the flag. When it was returned by impulse Vinas was on the flag with the flag, and the game was tied 2-2. Then proceded about an hour of overtime, where there were a few exciting moments, with teams getting the flag to middle and almost into the base, but to no avail, the other team would return it. Finally, htbhtbd looked like they would end it, as TRIp and Nikon made it back to their flag room with Main Event's flag. Htbhtbd dropped the flag at their sniper, but Fuze was their to pick it up. He stood at his sniper, trying to get up to his flag, but he was being prevented by the combo's of Main Event. Thriller then made a desperate grab, and like TRIp earlier, escaped the enemy base and made it to middle. Instead of dropping it into his base though, he ran to his ramp and into his base. As Thriller got to his ramp, htbhtbd dropped the flag, and it was returned. Prodani and durron were camping the bunker and it prevent all of Thriller ran to his flag, in an empty flag room, to end the game 3-2.

MVP was durron, for leading his team to a comeback, his great offense to make the comeback, and his stellar bunker camping (He was in the bunker about 75% of the map) that resulted in the game winning cap for his team.

-- About to watch Glacier demo.. Will edit as soon as done
I'll keep ya posted.
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