1. League Rules
1.1 League Format
The Twenty-Sixth Edition of Major League Capture The Flag (MLCTF XXVI) will be a single-elimination tournament. There will be 8 seeded teams, with the bracket pairing highest seed against lowest, second-highest against second-lowest and so on. The last team left standing will be crowned champion. |
1.2 Scheduing
Matches will be scheduled by the two opposing captains using a message board system. Each round of the tournament will have a range of dates set by the admins for the matches to be completed. The higher seeded captain will select three (3) dates and times that his team is available to play. Each unique time must be separated by no less than 3 hours. So if Captain A picks Sunday at 8 pm, he could also choose Sunday at 11 pm, but not Sunday at 10 pm for instance. The lower seeded captain will then select one (1) of those offered times as the match time.
Reschedules are permitted only if both captains agree. All matches must be completed by the date specified by the admin team. Any match that remains uncompleted will be decided by forfeiture at the admins' discretion. |
2. Match Rules
2.1 Map List
Standard Maps:
Tiebreaker Maps:
Terra |
2.2 Match Format
The first two rounds will be matches consisting of two (2) maps, one selected by each team's captain. The final match will consist of four (4) maps, two selected by each captain. If the teams are tied after the map picks are played, the match will go to a tiebreaker.
The captains will select from the Standard map list in choosing their team's pick(s). Map picks must be submitted to the admin no later than match time. If a tiebreaker is necessary, each team will eliminate one (1) map from the Tiebreaker map list. The remaining map will be played. The team with the lower seed eliminates a map first. |
2.3 Match Forfeits
Any team that an admin deems unready to play at match time will be forfeited. Admins are required to give each team a grace period of ten (10) minutes to get their team into the server and clicked-in before granting any forfeits. Additional time may be given based on the discretion of the admin after consideration of the extenuating circumstances. Forfeiture of any map will be considered forfeiture of the entire match.
Forfeits may also be granted by an admin if any team causes an undue delay between maps.
Double forfeits may also apply if both teams are proving uncooperative in getting the match started.
Abusing the admin staff is also grounds for a forfeit. |
2.4 Servers
Both teams must agree on a server before match time. If no server is chosen by match time, one will be chosen by the admin. If either captain refuses to accept this decision, his team will be forfeited.
Playing different maps on different servers is permitted based on the availability of the servers.
[IL] NFO Zack Jones University || unreal://
[IL] EOReality || unreal:// |
2.5 Server Crash
In the event that the game server crashes during a match, the match will restart with the amount of time that was remaining when the server crashed. If the score was tied prior to the crash then any overtime played in the restart will be official. If the match was not tied any captures made prior to the crash will be added to the score once the clock reaches 0:00. If overtime is required at that point, teams will restart the map again with the first team capturing winning the map. |
3. Team Rules
3.1 Captains
Captains have sole discretion over all issues concerning their team, including team name, team roster, match roster, lineups, color choices, etc. If a team is unhappy with their captain, they may tell the admin staff and that captain may be disqualified from captaining future MLUT events. |
3.2 Salary Cap
All players are given a salary prior to the event. The draft will be held without a salary cap, but after the draft, the league-wide team salary cap will be set to the value of the total salary of the most highly priced team. All teams must thereafter keep their team under that value. |
3.3 Trading and Free Agency
Trading between teams will be permitted up until the time of the league's first match. Afterwards, teams may only trade their players for players on the Free Agents list. All teams must abide by the salary cap at all times. Teams must keep 10 players on their roster at all times.
Any trade is subject to veto by the admin staff if it is suspected that the best interests of a team are not being protected by its captain. |
3.4 Player Holdouts
Players are not permitted to holdout on their teams. If a player is unhappy with his team, he is encouraged to privately seek a trade or request to be dropped by their captain. If a player still wishes to publicly holdout from his team, he will be removed from the league and may be barred from further MLUT activities. |
4. Fair Play
4.1 Cheating
Cheating in any for will not be tolerated. Cheaters will be banned from the league. The admin staff decides what is cheating and what is not based on accepted community standards and precedents from past MLCTFs. Aliasing, Ringing, Piston Camping, Hacks, Radars, Frog Jumping, etc. are all banned. |
4.2 Asterisk
Everything not specifically covered by this ruleset will be decided at the discretion of the admins on a case-by-case basis. Any rule in this ruleset is subject to change at any time. Failure to abide by any admin decision is a basis for removal from the league and in some cases forfeiture of a match. |